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The application period is from February 1st to March 31st 2025.

2025 Grants

The application period for 2025 grants has started!

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lapsi ja luonto - isä ja poika luonnossa
lapsi ja luonto - luonnon tasapaino

Founded in 1997, the principal purpose of the Child and Nature Foundation is to support natural activities, which contribute to the holistic well-being of people and the environment.

In a holistic view, a man is an entirety formed by a physical, emotional, intellectual and social dimension, all aspects of which are affected by each other and by the environment.

The Foundation wants to have a say in the prevailing social attitudes and practices, in order to increase awareness of the significance of natural and humanitarian values to the holistic well-being of people and the environment.

The Foundation wants to promote activities that promote equality, the sense of community, humanity and nature, and where tolerance, courage and passion prevail.

The Foundation implements its purpose in Finland and elsewhere in the world.

lapsi ja luonto - lapset luonnossa

The Foundation promotes activities that promote equality, the sense of community, humanity and nature, and where tolerance, courage and passion prevail.

lapsi ja luonto - lapsi rannalla
lapsi ja luonto - äiti ja poika

It Is Good to Be Close to Nature





Previous Grantees

YEAR 2024 

MIELI Lounais-Suomen mielenterveys ry

Conversation help while walking in nature (project Helmassa)

€ 7.800

Green Care-keskus Könkkölä ry

Starting of the Könkkölä's shore nature school

€ 29.000

View all 2024 grantees

lapsi ja luonto - verso

YEAR 2023

Elina Mantere and Chintana Seppä

Developing and testing a method that supports children's holistic wellbeing

€ 21.975,44


Lääketiede ry

A study of the use and perceived effectiveness of the CAM in the Finnish adult population

€ 33.500

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